For Angelo Mangiarotti sculpture is a coherent but diversified part of his overall research on design and construction.
Selected Works
“Cinque stele dialogano alle Cinque Terre” stone sculptureen, Manarola, La Spezia, Italia
“Continunità fra pieno-vuoto” steel sculpture
“Massacro a Sant’Anna” sculptureen, Sant'Anna di Stazzema, Lucca, Italia
“Equilibrio di una relazione vitale” bronze sculpture
His particular sculptures, designed for some monuments, put in squares and public space, reveal a pursuit of dynamic relationship, in the tension between energy, matter and space, in the dualism and interaction between interior and exterior, void and solid, in an always active condition that avoids renunciation of the rationality of our culture, but counters its axiomatic lack of verificability with greater attention to the oriental world. His works are unique pieces in which the form is intended as the result of operations that are based on, and in part derive from, the attributes of the material. (Luciano Caramel)